Medical/Rehab Experts
A large number of agencies using our system.
Your diary visible in all searches.
No need for expensive phone calls and emails
One place for all your work
Medico-Legal Agencies
Large variety of experts' diaries on your finger tips
Book and track status online, no need for expensive phone calls.
Diaries available 24/7 to search and book appointments.
Locum Doctors
  Coming Soon...
Locum Agencies
  Coming Soon..
What is DocketLive?
DocketLive is an online, real-time system that will aid users in the booking of medico-legal appointments. DocketLive helps to offer your availability to medico-legal agencies and experts. Use of DocketLive will save you considerable time from administrative tasks and save on costs.
Locum doctors, Physiotherapists and other medical experts are all in high demand for medico-legal work and the use of DocketLive can help reduce administrative tasks and costs fully utilise their availability.